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Daily Routine Gap Fill Game

English ESL Kids Daily Routine Gap Fill Pair Work Activity Worksheet

At The Beach | Gap Fill Game

English ESL Kids At The Beach Gap Fill Speaking Game Worksheet

Around The House | Gap Fill

English ESL Kids Around The House Gap Fill Worksheet

Adjectives | Gap Fill Game

English ESL Kids Adjectives Gap Fill Speaking Game Activity Worksheet

Mealtimes | What Do They Like? Game

English ESL Kids Food What Do They Like Gap Fill Speaking Activity Worksheet

How To Help Children Develop a Growth Mindset in the Classroom

As teachers, we all want to help our students grow and development into happy and successful adults.  How can we...

How To Incorporate Learning Styles Into Your Language Lessons

Looking around your classroom it is wonderful to see all the different ways your students express themselves. They each behave...

Technology Lesson Plan

ESL technology lesson plan. A selection of beautifully designed and enjoyable language activities and games to help children practise technology vocabulary and develop reading skills in English.

Housework Lesson Plan

ESL housework lesson plan. A selection of beautifully designed and enjoyable language activities and games to help children practise housework vocabulary and develop reading skills in English.

Health Lesson Plan

ESL health lesson plan. A selection of beautifully designed and enjoyable language activities and games to help children practise health vocabulary and develop reading skills in English.

At The Beach Lesson Plan

ESL at the beach themed lesson plan. A selection of beautifully designed, fun and engaging language activities and games to help children practise and use beach vocabulary in English and develop writing skills.

Around The House Lesson Plan

ESL house and furniture lesson plan. A selection of beautifully designed and enjoyable language activities and games to help children practise house and furniture vocabulary and develop reading skills in English.