Gru Languages
Printable worksheet
A fun and engaging classroom game, ideal for children learning English.
Target language: body, head, arm, hand, leg, footsnake, ladder, up, down
Instructions: in pairs or small groups the children take it in turns to roll the dice and move their counters forward the number of spaces shown on the dice. Upon landing on a square, the child must identify what the image is. If the counter lands at the bottom of a ladder, they can move up to the top of the ladder. If the counter lands on the head of a snake, they must slide down to the bottom of the snake. The first child to reach the end is the winner.
You will need: one worksheet and one dice per pair or small group and one counter per child.
Body Parts | Listen & Number
Robot Face | Stand Up Craft
Robot | Sentence & Question Game
Face | Bingo Game
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