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English Speaking Game

Printable worksheet

Engage your young learners with our Bonfire Night Memory Game, perfect for practising vocabulary related to the Gunpowder Plot and Bonfire Night traditions. This enjoyable activity helps children enhance vocabulary skills in a fun, competitive way.

Target language: Guy Fawkes, King James I, gunpowder, bonfire, November, fireworks.

Instructions: cut out the cards and place them face down on the table, mixed up and arranged in rows. Children take it in turns to turn over two cards each, making sure to say what is on each card as they pick it up. The aim of the game is to find matching cards. When a child finds a pair they keep it in a pile next to them, if the cards do not match they must be put back in the same position. The child with the most pairs at the end of the game is the winner.

Bonfire night memory game for children

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